Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just Hanging Out

Yeah, I'm really not sure why I'm still in here. Its nice in here and all, but I don't really have any room to move around. I feel like I'm upside down pretty much all the time- I like it when Mommy lies down, that way the blood rushes to the rest of my body. I keep hearing voices telling me to "Come Out!" I mean, what's so exciting out there? It sure seems funny out there, I keep hearing Mommy and Daddy laughing most all of the time. And what is that clacking sound that I hear, really close to the belly, all day long? What is a "geek"? Are my Mommy and Daddy geeks? If so, I want to be a geek too!

I wonder if Mommy is trying to scare me so that I come "out"...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Baby Got Swing, Too!

Well, I must say that Mommy was very mad at me for not posting about her conquering the assembly of my swing from Auntie Tannya all by her self. She's very proud, as am I, of the job she did. So I must apologize for not posting earlier.

The swing has all these animals on it, according to Daddy. Mommy even made it play songs once she finished putting it together. She didn't seem to have too much trouble. Far less than she and Daddy had with the crib and Mommy's new desk. Oh...did I forget to mention that Mommy got a new desk and chair so that she has a place to work from home just like Daddy does. She's very excited about it. The chair is a Sealy Posturpedic and the desk is...well I don't know what the desk is but it's got light cherry wood and round corners. Daddy gave mom one of his big monitors, a keyboard, a mouse, and some speakers. She's all set. And it's much better than her leaning over the coffee table to look at the small on her laptop. I'm just sure her back was killing her. I know every time she bent over too far was a bit uncomfortable for me too. I had to kick or shove her just to remind her to sit up straight. There's only so much room in here for me.

Besides that, I've got a little over 4 weeks left in here now and we're all getting very excited. I don't know if I'm excited enough yet to arrive earlier than expected but I also hope not to be late. Well..there's only right on time when it comes to these sort of things.

Until next time.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Baby Got Bed

Mom and Dad spent most of the evening putting together two items for me:

  1. Ellis Deluxe 4-IN-1 Convertible Sleep System, otherwise known as "the crib"

  2. Fisher Price Safari Cradle Swing, otherwise known as "the swing"

Daddy looked very proud. He said "There is nothing like the feeling of assembling the crib for your first baby." That's me! Daddy said something else that he thought was very funny... I don't quite understand it yet, but I laughed anyway. It seemed like the best thing to do. He said "I do have to mention, though, that under the heading of "Disassembling the Crib For Storage", the instructions are:

To disassemble the crib for storage, please follow assembly steps in reverse.

I kid you not. That made my night."

I see an outfit on the bed, I wonder if that's for me? Who is Grandma? I can't wait to meet her! Mommy and Daddy keep saying that I have 2 Grandmas... I guess I'll have to come up with new names for them.


Monday, May 7, 2007

Journey to That Big World

<<-This is, sort of, what I look like at Week 32. (Except the doctor says I'm growing a week ahead of time.)

So Mommy and Daddy have started taking classes to prepare for my arrival. They've been learning how to take care of me, like how to give me a bath, different positions I might like to be held in, and even how to wake me up without making me cranky. I can tell Mommy enjoyed watching Daddy put a diaper on the fake baby. He had a little trouble but she thought he was so cute.

In their "Preparation for Childbirth" class, Joe teaches them all about connecting with each other while Mommy's in a lot of pain. They've learned so much already and met some very interesting people that actually live close to our neighborhood. Last week, we were one of the snack families (Joe says couples which I think is a bit offensive because I'm a part of this, too) and we brought vegetables with dip and some vanilla wafers. It was a very good showing. There were no veggies left and less than half a box of the cookies. And we were only 1 of 3 families to bring something. All theirs was eaten, too! It was quite the feast. Though, I don't think the fathers got very much to eat. I mean, they do only make 1/3 of the class.

Anyway, Mommy learned some breathing techniques last week that were very invigorating. After she practiced I was wide-awake. Joe says that it's because all that heavy breathing provides a lot of energy for us babies. Mommy's been practicing all week just to get me to move. She’s been afraid of my lack of movement, but I told her "See how much you can move when your elbows in one corner of the room and your heel is in the other while your head is stuck in the skylight!"

Joe also teaches them positions that will be comforting to Mommy while I'm trying to figure the best way to finally say hello. Maybe you can help me. I'm thinking of showing up a little early since I'm getting too big for my surrounding. Just a week early, enough for it to be a real surprise. I think I might start the journey late at night while Mom is showing Dad another episode of "Friends" or while Daddy snores as Mom watches "Dreamgirls" again. Then, I thought I'd leave them in suspense a little and make Mommy wait a whole 12 hours before I gave Daddy the first peek of the top of my head. And once I'm there...I don't know what I'll do. Maybe I'll sleep, it is a long journey. Or maybe I'll take a look around to see what all the fuss is about out there. Maybe you guys could tell me what to look for. What are some good things about being out in this big world I keep hearing all the time?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I Know It's Been A Long Time But...

Ok, so I know I haven't written in a while but it's not all my fault. Mom has been working a lot (which is why I had to kidnap her account to write this post) and Dad just got a promotion (I've very proud of him) and is having fun with his own blog. It's hard to get these two to sit down with me long enough to get this out. So...I took over Mommy's computer at work while she's on hold for somebody called a vendor.

Click to see Mom's Pics
Venice Day 2 (2.10.07)

There's so much to report. As you can see, I've added a ticker to the blog so that everyone will know how it will be until I arrive. Mind you, I may arrive a little early...or a little late. I am the first born and want to make a grand entrance. That ticker counts down to the day the doctors think I will join the rest of the world on the outside. I do have to wonder how I'll get out of here but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough.

Click to see Mom's Pics
Rome Day 3 (2.6.07)

Back to my report, Mommy, Daddy, and me went to Italy for what Daddy calls a babymoon. It sounded like a very interesting place. And, I must say, I enjoyed all the different foods that Mommy and I tried (I've got taste buds now, you know). Anyway, we went all over the place. Siena, Rome, Venice, and Florence. They walked from one end of a city to the other, lost in the art of it all. According to Daddy (we talked a lot during the trip), some of the cities were more beautiful than any of the others he'd ever visited before. Oh, and Venice smelled like a giant fish. Mommy and I don't like fish very much. They got to experience Carnevale, see the Sistine Chapel, view the tomb of Pope Jean Paul II, and saw Michelangelo's the David. Apparently, the David was so beautiful that we just sat there for a while so Mommy and Daddy could stare at it some more. I didn't like sitting still so I kept kicking Mommy so she would get up and go but nothing.

Click to see Mom's Pics
Florence Day 2 (2.13.07)

Just after we got back, Mommy and Daddy had the doctor take a quick look at me to see that I was doing okay. And, boy, was it quick. I barely had the chance to turn and say hello. Now, I'm longer than a foot, weigh more than 1.5 pounds and I have pink wrinkly skin. Don't worry, all the articles Mom's reading say I won't be pink for long. Just until I'm born, and then I'll grow into a new color. I've been kicking and turning in Mommy's belly for a while now and I'm getting better. I can actually kick so hard now that Mommy has to stop what she's doing and give me "a little talking to" before continuing on.

I think that's enough for now. I've been telepathically typing for too long. Must...not...break...connection. Don't forget to visit Mommy's blog, and Daddy's blog. Both have notes and more pictures from Italy!

See you next time. And I promise I'll try to keep up. Love you all!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Weeks 19, 20, 21, &22

Okay, so I know it's been a really long time since the last time I wrote to you. I'm sorry I've been a bit busy growing and such. It's actually quite fascinating. I have these things called legs and I like to stretch them out as far as I can from time to time. It really stirs Mommy and Daddy up. Mommy can obviously feel it but Dad's having a little trouble catching on.

We were also in Italy for two weeks. I'm not saying that I didn't have access to the blog but I was trying to get as much of that good Italian food as my little tummy could hold. Then I'd fall alseep after getting Mommy to stuff my belly.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Well Kick Me Again!

That's right Ladies and Gentlemen, young Baby Drapeau has kicked for the first time. It happened at 10:15 am on Tuesday, January 30, 2007. I was sitting at my desk at work and I guess I was leaning too far forward. I know from this past Monday's screen that he/she is breach and her/his feet are sitting just above my pelvis. So right now it feels like there is someone using my bladder as an inflated balancing beam. I don't know if that makes since but I see it. Anyway...I've also started showing this week. According to one of the girls at work it just happened. And soon we'll be off to Italy where I'll be sure to gain at least 10-20 lbs just on pasta and marinara alone. Too bad I can't try the wine. I know everyone'll notice my pregnant belly when I get back.

Blessings, All!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Weeks 16, 17, & 18 in Mommy's Belly

Coming soon. I promise you're gonna love it! I've pictures of Mommy's growing belly. I've just got to figure out how to get them on the post without her knowing. I may be risking my youth here but I think it's worth it.

Okay. So the reason I haven't been able to write is because Mommy and Daddy have been so busy. Mommy started a new job this month and Daddy has gained a lot more responsibility at work. So it's hard to telepathically communicate with these two long enough to get one of them to sit down long enough to write something for me.

Anyway, as promised, I have a couple pictures of Mommy's belly! It comes complete with the Linea Nigra, stretch marks, and me! So...we're off!

Week 16 was a big deal to Mommy and Daddy. It was the first week they’d have a chance to tell if I'm a girl or a boy. Well there has been a lot of anticipation around this query but Mom and Dad have maintained their composure. I posed for the doctor and he said that I look great. Duh…I do have good genes. Look who’s on the table and by her side. Come ON. So when the doctor asked, “Do you want to know the sex of the baby?” even I was shocked to hear “NO” from Mom and Dad. I mean, we hadn’t discussed this at all. I had been practicing the right pose for the moment and everything. I was so ready for my close up. But what can you do? Parents nowadays. So, I guess EVERYONE will just have to wait and see. I know there are a few people who are disappointed with the decision (me included), but what can you say to new parents?

Week 17 was far less dramatic. Mom worked and cooked and went to the gym. Dad worked and cooked and went to the gym and played pool. Oh yeah, Daddy got the results from the first scan Mommy did at the hospital. The doctor said I was the furthest from danger (about 1/10,000). I was at the best end of the spectrum, which perfectly matches my being at the good end of the gene pool.

However, in the middle of Week 18 , Mom had her first craving! She awoke at 7:30am on Saturday very hungry. Nothing would do. Daddy awoke when Mommy let out her frustration of someone eating all the cereal. He offered to go to the supermarket and get whatever she wanted. “White Castles” was her reply. “White Castle burgers at 7:30 in the morning?” I’m sure Daddy knew better than to ask this question aloud since he was the culprit behind the missing cereal mom WOULD have settled on. So Mommy feasted.

At the end of Week 18, Mommy and Daddy were off to St. Luke’s Roosevelt hospital for a Level 2 Ultrasound. Doesn’t that sound so official? Well, all it means is that they look me over from head to toe with a camera that has sound. Daddy enjoyed this a lot. He got really close to the screen (maybe he was trying to find out if I was a boy or a girl) and smiled really big when he heard my heart beating. The best part was when I gave them all the thumbs up. That really made everybody laugh.

By the way…both my grams have been…up in arms about buying me stuff. And I think it’s about time they started…and you, too. (target.com)

This is Mommy's growing belly. See the Linea Nigra? It's the dark line right down the center of Mommy's belly. It's where her body is making more room for me. And thank goodness because I'm really starting to grow.

These are close ups of Mommy's stretch marks and, thus, the end of my youth as we know it once she finds out.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Week 15 in Mommy's Belly

Oh Family and Friends of mine, please, won't you please, leave some comments for me. I love to know what you think of my journey. I know some of you read, not all, but some. I am grateful to those that have left messages and I truly enjoed reading your many praises. But it's kind of lonely in here. I love Mommy and Daddy, I do. But I need someone else to talk to. They talk to me a lot, especially Mommy, but I want to hear what other people have to say.

But more about Week 15 . Sunday was New Year's Day. Mommy and Daddy went out to dinner where I refused to eat. Which I think may have ruined Mommy's appetite a little. Later, at home, we all watched (well, I listened) a Doctor Who marathon. That was one of Daddy's favorite shows to watch with Pa as a kid. It sounds like a fascinating show. There's always these wars going on between the doctor and some alien. And he's always rescuing the same girl (who Mommy calls stupid), Rose.

Anyway, before the countdown to the New Year Mommy fell asleep because she took her vitamin too early and got sick. But she woke just in time to say 5!...4!...3!...2!...1! and to kiss Daddy. It was weird spanning two years from inside Mommy's belly, but at least I know I'm in a safe place away from that Times Square crowd I hear so much about.