Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Well Kick Me Again!

That's right Ladies and Gentlemen, young Baby Drapeau has kicked for the first time. It happened at 10:15 am on Tuesday, January 30, 2007. I was sitting at my desk at work and I guess I was leaning too far forward. I know from this past Monday's screen that he/she is breach and her/his feet are sitting just above my pelvis. So right now it feels like there is someone using my bladder as an inflated balancing beam. I don't know if that makes since but I see it. Anyway...I've also started showing this week. According to one of the girls at work it just happened. And soon we'll be off to Italy where I'll be sure to gain at least 10-20 lbs just on pasta and marinara alone. Too bad I can't try the wine. I know everyone'll notice my pregnant belly when I get back.

Blessings, All!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Weeks 16, 17, & 18 in Mommy's Belly

Coming soon. I promise you're gonna love it! I've pictures of Mommy's growing belly. I've just got to figure out how to get them on the post without her knowing. I may be risking my youth here but I think it's worth it.

Okay. So the reason I haven't been able to write is because Mommy and Daddy have been so busy. Mommy started a new job this month and Daddy has gained a lot more responsibility at work. So it's hard to telepathically communicate with these two long enough to get one of them to sit down long enough to write something for me.

Anyway, as promised, I have a couple pictures of Mommy's belly! It comes complete with the Linea Nigra, stretch marks, and me! So...we're off!

Week 16 was a big deal to Mommy and Daddy. It was the first week they’d have a chance to tell if I'm a girl or a boy. Well there has been a lot of anticipation around this query but Mom and Dad have maintained their composure. I posed for the doctor and he said that I look great. Duh…I do have good genes. Look who’s on the table and by her side. Come ON. So when the doctor asked, “Do you want to know the sex of the baby?” even I was shocked to hear “NO” from Mom and Dad. I mean, we hadn’t discussed this at all. I had been practicing the right pose for the moment and everything. I was so ready for my close up. But what can you do? Parents nowadays. So, I guess EVERYONE will just have to wait and see. I know there are a few people who are disappointed with the decision (me included), but what can you say to new parents?

Week 17 was far less dramatic. Mom worked and cooked and went to the gym. Dad worked and cooked and went to the gym and played pool. Oh yeah, Daddy got the results from the first scan Mommy did at the hospital. The doctor said I was the furthest from danger (about 1/10,000). I was at the best end of the spectrum, which perfectly matches my being at the good end of the gene pool.

However, in the middle of Week 18 , Mom had her first craving! She awoke at 7:30am on Saturday very hungry. Nothing would do. Daddy awoke when Mommy let out her frustration of someone eating all the cereal. He offered to go to the supermarket and get whatever she wanted. “White Castles” was her reply. “White Castle burgers at 7:30 in the morning?” I’m sure Daddy knew better than to ask this question aloud since he was the culprit behind the missing cereal mom WOULD have settled on. So Mommy feasted.

At the end of Week 18, Mommy and Daddy were off to St. Luke’s Roosevelt hospital for a Level 2 Ultrasound. Doesn’t that sound so official? Well, all it means is that they look me over from head to toe with a camera that has sound. Daddy enjoyed this a lot. He got really close to the screen (maybe he was trying to find out if I was a boy or a girl) and smiled really big when he heard my heart beating. The best part was when I gave them all the thumbs up. That really made everybody laugh.

By the way…both my grams have been…up in arms about buying me stuff. And I think it’s about time they started…and you, too. (

This is Mommy's growing belly. See the Linea Nigra? It's the dark line right down the center of Mommy's belly. It's where her body is making more room for me. And thank goodness because I'm really starting to grow.

These are close ups of Mommy's stretch marks and, thus, the end of my youth as we know it once she finds out.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Week 15 in Mommy's Belly

Oh Family and Friends of mine, please, won't you please, leave some comments for me. I love to know what you think of my journey. I know some of you read, not all, but some. I am grateful to those that have left messages and I truly enjoed reading your many praises. But it's kind of lonely in here. I love Mommy and Daddy, I do. But I need someone else to talk to. They talk to me a lot, especially Mommy, but I want to hear what other people have to say.

But more about Week 15 . Sunday was New Year's Day. Mommy and Daddy went out to dinner where I refused to eat. Which I think may have ruined Mommy's appetite a little. Later, at home, we all watched (well, I listened) a Doctor Who marathon. That was one of Daddy's favorite shows to watch with Pa as a kid. It sounds like a fascinating show. There's always these wars going on between the doctor and some alien. And he's always rescuing the same girl (who Mommy calls stupid), Rose.

Anyway, before the countdown to the New Year Mommy fell asleep because she took her vitamin too early and got sick. But she woke just in time to say 5!...4!...3!...2!...1! and to kiss Daddy. It was weird spanning two years from inside Mommy's belly, but at least I know I'm in a safe place away from that Times Square crowd I hear so much about.